pr into inbound marketing

Public relations and inbound marketing share a lot of the same concepts. Both strive to put forth an informative message out to the public describing your company’s goals, recent innovations, products releases, and other topics of note. The key difference between the two is that PR tends to be more passive put out mainly to inform more than driving a potential customer to act. By comparison, inbound marketing is active and works to drive customers to contact your company for either more information or for potential business dealings.

By bringing inbound marketing’s active approach into your PR plans you can create a unified approach that not only informs the public but drives them to become potential customers. Here are three ways to bring inbound marketing into public relations.

Three Ways to Bring Inbound Marketing into Public Relations

1. Add Educational Elements

PR may be informative but it’s not always educational. Adding educational articles to your PR output is highly advantageous for several reasons. First, there are many potential customers who may have a need for what your company offers but are not aware a solution exists (or that you provide it). Second, they allow you the chance to position your company as an industry expert. By showing expert knowledge about your field you build trust by showing the work you do is high quality. Lastly, by educating the public you create more informed customers who approach your company with more specific goals.

2. Make Your PR A Part Of Your Inbound Marketing

A lot of PR material (and the information it provides) is very useful when applied to inbound marketing. A press release about a consumer survey concerning a new product can go further than just a single article. This information can be part of a white paper showing how this public response was based on older feedback which leads to this new product release in the first place. Another way you can integrate your PR is to place it on your company’s blog and tie it into related inbound marketing materials. The key is your PR material shouldn’t exist in its own bubble.

3. Press Releases Can Use SEO

A trait inbound marketing and PR have in common is that you want both to be read by as many people as possible. PR articles often ignore search engine optimisation thinking it more of a ‘marketing thing’. However, the same methodology you use to assure your inbound marketing lists on the first page of search engine results can also be applied to your PR release as well. Simple SEO application can greatly increase your PR’s effectiveness without making many changes to the existing material.

Final Thoughts

The goals of PR and inbound marketing are closely aligned. Both serve as important parts of your company’s marketing strategy and both serve as valuable tools to inform and increase your company’s reputation in the community. As marketing becomes more digital the techniques for PR and inbound marketing will continue to overlap however, both disciplines can learn from each other and work well together in pursuit of a common company goal.

Further Reading: Our Series of Blogs Dealing with PR
