Not being marketing types meant that when we built version 3 of the IMRE website we focussed very heavily on the technical aspects. We wanted to demonstrate a website that did not use tables, was accessible and used W3C guidelines. Somewhere along the line we lost the plot……
The site works without demonstrating what we can do for people. We sat with Leon Edwards and gave him a few mock-ups. We then explained what we really wanted to do. He took our mock-ups to Cornwall and mulled things over for a bit and then asked for another meeting.
We sat down over a coffee and he wondered how he was going to break the news to us. He produced the mock-ups that I had given him and there were all kinds of doodles and scribbles all over them. He took a deep breath, hesitated and then basically told us that we were barking up the wrong tree.
Just think about it. How often have you told a client that they had got it all wrong? Takes balls right? So we took on board that advice and started again ……. Here is a screen shot of where we are now heading. The home page will have a nice little animation presenting our work.
Learn from us, get someone from the outside to check your thoughts and direction. Leon is very busy these days, which you would expect from a successful businessman, but you can always try to contact him at