
The Electrisave is an amazing little portable electricity consumption monitor. It consists of two units, a transmitter that you clip onto your incoming mains and a receiver that you can carry with you. We have been using this for the last couple of months. In general when most things are switched off our house seems to run at 4 pence per hour in terms of energy usage. Now if we switch on the kettle or immersion heater we see this shoot up to about 23 pence an hour. WOW! This is a great tool for the kids. They can immediately see the impact of switching things on and off. Buy the Electrisave from 4ecotips.com here.Apart from the Electrisave being a nifty little gadget there is actually another reason to mention it here in terms of an e-commerce solution.

For any small business to embark on an e-commerce project is not an easy thing. Very quickly the story becomes complicated… You need pictures, descriptions, a database, a shopping cart, a payment collector, integration, set up, testing and finally go live. But going live is not the end of the story. You then need to make the website work by promoting it. SEO, sponsored links etc etc. All of this can take time, money and lots of energy and you still will not be sure if you are going to sell any of your products. You probaby will, but boy is it damned hard to get there…….

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could test the waters? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find out if your project had some chance of success? Well guess what? You can now set up a pilot and test the idea thanks to Paypal.

Until now, if you wanted to test the waters you really did not have many options. You could either sign up to World Pay, Protex or Barclays etc…. with the associated committments or you could go via Paypal or 2CO. Until now both had drawbacks. With Paypal your customers were forced to become members and with 2CO you were forced to add disclaimers on top of disclaimers and then they sit on your money until you hit their release level…. pah! all rather working against the small and humble business who just wants to pilot a project.

Well Paypal have finaly woken up. Now they will take money off anyone with a credit card and you are not forced down the road of divulging all your details! The whole process is much simpler and guess what? It works a treat.

To see this in action visit the Electrisave and you will see the Paypal bits……….

Call or email us if you would like advice on your e-commerce project. 01494 819900 or sales@imre.co.uk

Recent projects? Yes. Visit www.asdltd.com and here is the quote from the client: “It has been a real pleasure to work with you and your colleagues, painless and fun at the same time. We will certainly be recommending your services. Best Regards Ela and the rest of the gang !”

Other stuff? Yes, as part of our assistance to the www.4ecotips.com project we do meet very interesting people. One of these people is Dave Hampton. Want to know about Purple day? Read his weblog. carboncoach.typepad.com
